Primary Brand Color Ratio
The official colors of the Louisville Firehawks are Maroon and Yellow and should be used in all cases when communicating on behalf of the brand. White is a supporting color in conjunction with Maroon and Yellow. In the primary color palette, gray is an accent color to be used sparingly. This graphic shows a suggested balance of colors for brand communication.
Occasional opportunities arise to use an expanded color palette that ventures outside the primary color palette. Typical opportunities include the occasional use of unique uniforms, such as those promoting breast cancer awareness (pink). Though acceptable for special occasions, using colors outside the primary palette is not intended for long-term initiatives.
However, using colors outside of the palette is not permissible for purely aesthetic reasons. Seek approval from the Louisville Firehawks and the National Gridiron League for permissible applications and color recommendations.
When applying the Louisville Firehawks brand with permissible color exceptions, please adhere to the following guidelines:
-Keep the executions simple and do not use colors that will clash with each other.
-The Firehawks logo must be included in all applications with extended palettes.
-Never use an extended palette based on personal or aesthetic preferences.
-Always obtain approval from the Louisville Firehawks and the National Gridiron League when using colors outside the primary color palette.